What is Health Coaching?

Health coaches work towards a coaching plan to support client goals. Whether the goals are to lose weight, reduce digestion-related issues, balance hormones, reduce stress/anxiety or boost energy, Health coaches help clients develop sustainable lifestyle changes.

 While discussing dietary nutrition, there is a more significant focus on non-food forms of nourishment such as career, relationships, physical activity and spirituality. They assess a client’s overall well-being and suggest recommendations to help enact essential health-supportive modifications. The recommendations are step-by-step, easy to integrate and sustainable for the long term.

By supporting lifestyle and behavioural changes, Health coaches play a crucial part in providing motivation, health maintenance, disease prevention and even disease reversal by increasing health and quality of life.

How it works?

  1. Based on the Individual, not on the Theory: It’s based on a “no-one-size-fits-all” approach. We are all different and unique, and so are our illnesses. Every illness requires a different approach. There are over 100 dietary theories to help individual find their optimum way of eating. Health coaches help individuals to integrate changes in their diet plans and lifestyle selection for better health based on their bio-individuality.
  2. If given half a chance, the body will heal itself by itself: By slowing down and allowing yourself the rest you need, providing the best nutrition to the body and by removal of food to which the body is sensitive, the body gets the opportunity to heal at a deeper level, and we can recover from any illness by making small step-by-step shifts in our food and lifestyle.
  3. Goals achieved are for the long term: when the client recovers after modifying lifestyle and dietary changes, it is often long-term. Recovery is attained by increasing immunity, balancing hormones and with the betterment of gut/lungs health.

I have more than 2 conditions. Which course is most suitable for me?

We make dietary and lifestyle recommendations based on individual. You can choose any course related to your one condition, and when filling up a form, you can mention all other conditions as well. We will consider the same and suggest dietary changes per your needs. We take care of all the aspects before making any recommendations.

How do I decide about duration of the program?

For the less severe condition, our three months program is suitable.

We recommend you go for six months program in case of chronic illnesses.

Chronic illnesses don’t happen overnight. It takes equal patience and persistent efforts with diet and lifestyle modifications to reverse the condition.

Will I be asked to stop my current medication?

We don’t diagnose. And we certainly won’t ask you to stop your medication. We put efforts into giving a better quality of life by suggesting super easy modifications in diet and lifestyle changes based on illness. Usually, for the betterment of health, doctors adjust the medications accordingly.

We also recommend our clients take the opinion of their doctor/health care practitioner before making dietary shifts in case of serious illnesses.

Will I be able to sustain results after stopping course?

Lifestyle modification is for empowering clients. Clients are step-by-step guided and taught to read their bodies. By completing the course, they will know what suits their body and what doesn’t. They will also learn how to maintain good health. The results are long-term and sustainable by following the guidance received during the course.

How is it different from Dieticians, Nutritionist or other health care provider?

Health coaches have the training to promote core, foundational health concepts and to support clients in making sustainable lifestyle changes by focusing on overall life and not only diet. Integrative Nutrition Coaches strongly focus on behavioural choices and understanding dietary patterns for overall health. Hence they fulfil the distinct and essential role which helps the client achieve their health goal.

Can I take prior consultation before choosing the right course for me?

Yes, you can.
It is advisable and will undoubtedly be helpful for us to understand your exact condition before you enrol for a program. Based on the first consultation, we shall recommend the best-suited program and duration for you.

Why me?

I am a certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, New York, specialising in Gut health and Hormone health. I am also a founder of Plera Wellness, where we provide salt therapy for Respiratory Health.

Healthy lungs, healthy digestion and hormonal balance, are crucial for overall well-being. I give lifestyle modifications by considering all the factors connected to digestive health, hormonal balance and respiratory health.

Doctors do not have enough time to help patients build a healthy lifestyle. I connect with my clients for an hour-long call twice a month to understand what is working and what needs correction. The body is interconnected, and lifestyle modification looking at healthy lungs, digestion and hormonal balance, long term and sustainable recovery are achievable.

And last but not least, google has all possible information about illnesses, but you still require a coach to support you, motivate you and guide you through your healthy life journey.

Profile Credentials:

  1. Certified Health Coach (Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), New York
  2. Specialization in Gut & Hormone Health
  3. Certified International Health Coach from International Association of Health Coaches (IAHC, Washington)
  4. Diploma Holder in Eating Psychology from Centre for Excellence, Manchestar, Great Britain
  5. Completed Nutrition, Heart Disease and Diabetes course offered by Wageningen University and Research
  6. Completed Controlling your Blood-Pressure Course from Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School
  7. Completed Managing Your Cholestrol Course from Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School
  8. Completed Fighting Inflammation Course from Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School
  9. Completed Healthy Eating for Type-2 Diabetes Course from Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School