Diabetes Remission

Can you get rid of diabetes ever? Yes, only if……

After making positive changes in lifestyle few people can successfully reverse diabetes.

And few reach diabetes remission level. In these, people will be able to manage diabetes levels without taking insulin or medication as long as they follow healthy lifestyle changes.

Diabetes level returns if they go back to their previous lifestyle.

Classic case explaining this:

Client – Male
Age- 40 years
Profession- Company Secretary

Physical complaint- Diagnosed with diabetes: Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c): 6.1 on 11/01/2020

Probable reason- Sedentary lifestyle

Query- What all need to be corrected in this situation including nutrition and exercise.

Relevant changes were implemented to correct lifestyle including nutrition and exercise. And as expected it came under control.

2nd report on 1/2/2021
Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c): 5.5


But then it’s usual for one to go back to the previous lifestyle. This problem is common for all executives who are working for long hours. Maintaining nutrition and exercise is a task while working hard for a career.

3rd report on 3/9/2022
Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c): 6.17

Here we need to understand and accept as well that once we get diabetes, it’s not going to go away EVER.

You have got a friend for life 🙂 and treat that friend well.

This a classic case explaining how powerful lifestyle changes are to recover from diabetes but one needs to follow it for life.

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