Leaky bucket Medical Report

A case for explaining the “importance of fixing what is constantly hurting for recovery.”

We must have used the phrase “The Leaky Bucket” to explain the importance of fixing loopholes to get the required result. Similarly, resolving the issue that constantly hurts the body is crucial when discussing our health.

My client, aged 39 years, had complaints of

-Excessive tiredness and fatigue
-Anxiety and Mood swings
-Deteriorated Hair and Skin health
-Weight loss
-And much more

Her blood work showed;

-Low levels of Hemoglobin level (11.8 gm/dl)
-Vitamin B12 less than 83 pg/ml (normal range between 174-878)
-Vitamin D 27.5 ng/ml (insufficient)

And other parameters were in the range;

-Thyroid (normal parameters)
-HbA1c 5.5 (non-diabetic)
-Cholesterol in range
-Good cholesterol (HDL -above 60)

Surprisingly, she was following a healthy lifestyle to recover and was;

-Consuming super nutritious food
-A daily dose of supplements, including vitamins and probiotics, as advised by a doctor.
-Finished course for Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D injections.
-An active life, including an exercise regime and meditation for reducing stress and anxiety.

After checking her lifestyle, I observed that she followed everything she needed. But the question remains, why is her body low in vitamins even after following a healthy nutrition routine? Why can’t her body absorb the essential nutrition?

After digging further, I noticed she was having heavy menstrual bleeding. And it was apparent that her excessive blood loss could be the reason behind her low levels of vitamins and haemoglobin. And to recover, it was essential to fix excessive blood loss, which was happening every month.

Now, the focus has shifted to balancing hormones throughout the month, which can eventually reduce excessive bleeding.

To balance hormones, we must follow a diet per the menstrual phase. Accordingly following changes were made to her diet.
1) Estrogen-building food containing healthy fat and protein was given in the follicular fertile cycle
2) In the ovulatory cycle, we added cruciferous vegetables to the diet for liver detoxification.
3) Luteal fertile cycle requires food for progesterone support. Therefore, we added food containing magnesium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and zinc.
4)Bleeding phase requires food which can balance blood sugar. Therefore, we added mineral and iron-rich soups and smoothies.

It usually takes two to three months to follow the menstrual cycle phases and correct it. But recovery is possible only when efforts are put consistently in the right direction.

In the above case, we started noticing positive results in 3 months.

In the gist, one must fix what constantly hurts to get the recovery.

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