Age-appropriate Healthy Habits

Age-appropriate habits to stay healthy.

What should I follow to stay healthy? Give me basic guidance that I and my family can follow to remain healthy. I am often asked this question.

And this makes me wonder, it is possible to give basic lifestyle changes which is applicable to all?

I strongly believe it is important to form few age-appropriate habits and follow lifestyle changes as per bio-individuality, current lifestyle, and illnesses along with considering diseases running in the family. Basic lifestyle changes can be the same for all but following one type of diet or one type of exercise will not be helpful to all especially when we talk about taking care of health in long-term and preventing ailments.

However, few age-appropriate habits one must follow for a best outcome in long run. Let’s discuss about them in detail.

1) Children and teenagers (1-19 years): When it comes to children and teenagers, the first step should be towards strengthening their foundation and one should emphasize on following…

  • Diet rich in nutrients and varieties. Varied diet will simply increase diversity of good bacteria and offer a stronger base in long-term.
  • Special focus should be given to increase their immunity. Best is to allow them to get exposed to various things around them. According to a research, children who play in sand and with pets will have an early exposure to a healthy organism that is present in the dirt which helps boosting their immune system and overall health in the long-term.
  • Lungs of young children are not fully developed, and this makes them more vulnerable to frequent episodes of colds/cough and respiratory related diseases like tonsillitis, adenoid etc. Give them lukewarm water or turmeric milk before bedtime. Lukewarm water helps clearing food particles from throat which helps preventing throat infections. Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which helps improving respiratory and lungs health.
  • Teach them to gargle with lukewarm salty water. Salt is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal. It is quite helpful for sore throat especially when they are more prone to cold and cough. Also helpful in recovering from tonsilitis.
  • According to a research, Vitamin D deficiency has become common in the young children. It is good to make a habit of exercising early in the morning in the warm sunlight at this age for Vitamin D.
  • It is wise to teach them various breathing exercises and meditation. Stress has been an integral part of our modern lifestyle. People are more prone to depression and anxiety and it’s best to teach stress relieving techniques at this young age.

2) Young adults: (Up to 25 years): When we talk about young adults, we first think of youth fueled with energy, who are already on their path for making a bright career, enjoying their life along with full freedom and hardly bothered with possible negative outcome of their unhealthy habits.

For their long-term health it is utmost important to turn their energy in the right direction by correcting their mindset.

  • In this age, metabolism is usually good in most people and hence weight gain is hardly a problem. As they are busy making their career first and enjoying life along the way, consumption of junk food is usually more and thought of consuming nutritious food is usually a miss.
  • Smoking and consumption of alcohol has become a normal part of our modern society. It is unfortunate that youth hardly worry about its possible side effects at this age.
  • Similarly focus on career and lack of time usually affects habit of regular exercise and healthy sleep routine.

A sure shot way to turn energy of youth in the right direction is to make them participate in various sports like cricket/football which they enjoy. Participation in competitions like marathon also helps.

Sports can help them developing good habits with less efforts. Think how marathon runners pay attention to their diet, exercise and even sleep routine. They get their kick by winning and not necessarily by smoking or consuming alcohol.

3) Middle-aged adults (upto 55 years)- We live in a modern society and chronic ailments have become a part of our life. Unfortunately, it is considered normal to have one or more conditions like type 2 diabetes, arthritis, acidity, migraine, stomach issues, high levels of cholesterol and blood pressure etc. by middle age.  At this level, it becomes more important to prevent further damage and recover out of chronic ailments and one should focus on…

  • Lifestyle changes including special diet focusing to recover out of current condition(s), regular exercise and sleep regime is a must.
  • Metabolism starts to reduce at this age often resulting in weight gain. However extreme diet and/or exercise usually does more harm than good. Anything in excess often affects body negatively. Here, focus should be on losing some weight slowly and most importantly in a healthier manner. Just by keeping weight in check, many ailments can be prevented.
  • Pay special attention to reduce stress for keeping unwarranted trouble at bay. Best is to work on it on a constant basis even when one believes they do not have stress.
  • Stop smoking if you have not stopped it yet. Alcohol intake should be in check as well.
  • Chronic ailments are calls silent killers and to prevent further damage, it becomes important to know health status at regular intervals. Regular check-up including blood work is must at this age. It is also advisable to measure blood pressure and blood sugar levels at home. This will help in correcting lifestyle as well as adjusting medication doses.

4) Elders (Above 55 years) Living complication free life and prevention of unwarranted situations become more important at this age. It is best to focus on..

  • Simple diet and exercise regime focused on bio-individuality. Do what suits. Consistency is a key here.
  • Add strengthening exercises which can help improving bone health and maintain balance. This is crucial to prevent falls in later life.
  • Add breathing exercises for better saturation of oxygen level in the body. This will help boosting immunity as well.
  • Lastly pay special attention to brain health. Consumption of healthy fat especially omega-3 helps. To keep brain health in check is crucial for preventing depression and ailments like alzheimer’s, dementia etc.

Every age has its own charm whether we talk about childhood, young and active life, or even old age. Healthy ageing is beautiful where one can enjoy fruits of their hard work and rich experience. However when age appropriate changes are implemented at every stage of life, we can derive optimum benefit out of all the situations.

Hope this article helps in guiding you for filling up gaps to lead for a healthier life.

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