Arthritis/Osteoporosis on the rise!

We all have heard this.

-Drink milk in childhood to form strong bones.

-Eating a calcium-rich diet and taking calcium supplements are necessary if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

-For elders, especially women, after age 50, it is essential to focus on strength training, consuming a calcium-rich diet and taking relevant supplements for strong bones and joint health.

What is the base of this? Is this because of the growing prevalence of bone and joint-related diseases like Arthritis and osteoporosis in old age? And if it is on the rise, what can we do to protect ourselves?

Let’s understand these conditions, the reasons behind developing the same and ways to manage better.

Arthritis Vs Osteoporosis:

There are more than 100 different types of Arthritis. In simple words, it is a chronic condition affecting in and around joints. Arthritis causes inflammation, which can lead to pain, stiffness, immobility and swelling of joints.

Osteoporosis is also a chronic condition related to bones. It develops due to reduced bone density as we start losing calcium and other minerals in old age, ultimately increasing the risk of fractures.

Both types of diseases can affect the quality of life as they hinder easy movement.

A study was performed to find the prevalence of such diseases in India, and it was found that 

-Arthritis is a common joint disease that ranks second most common rheumatic problem, with a 22% to 39% prevalence in India.

-Osteoporosis symptoms are observed in nearly 45% of women over the age of 65, while radiological evidence is found in 70% of individuals in the same age group.

-Osteoporosis is estimated as the 10th leading cause of non-fatal burden. (

In a way, there is no debate over the fact that the prevalence of bone-related diseases is on the rise, but at the same time, it poses various questions.

-It makes us wonder if we are more prone to inflamed joints and losing bone density with ageing; which lifestyle changes must we make to reduce the risk of developing these conditions?

-Why are women more vulnerable to the risk of developing Arthritis or osteoporosis as compared to men?

-Do we need to pop supplements to reduce the risk of developing Arthritis or osteoporosis?

-Will calcium supplements help?

However, with the growing research about harmful effects/no effects after consuming calcium supplements, the last question indeed concerns all of us. 

The best way to recover from an ailment is to understand the root causes behind the ailment’s development and correct the same. 

Probable reasons apart from ageing:

-Genes. If such conditions run in the family, it poses an increased risk.


-Excess consumption of alcohol

-Eating a less nutritious diet

-Sedentary life


-Vitamin D deficiency

-Having other chronic ailments like diabetes, thyroid

-Taking certain medicines also increases the risk (psoriasis, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids, medications for certain cancers, thyroid medicines, anti-seizure medicines, etc.)

Women are more prone to developing Arthritis and osteoporosis due to various factors, which include;

  1. Anatomical difference- Women have smaller and lighter bones than men, which makes them more vulnerable.
  2. Reduction of bone-protecting hormones after menopause- the body produces less hormone estrogen in the perimenopause and menopause. Hormone estrogen protects bones from losing calcium, and women start losing bone mass rapidly with the reduced production of the hormone estrogen.
  3. Pregnancy and nursing- the growing baby requires calcium and vitamin D to form strong bones. If women are not consuming enough calcium and vitamin D through diet or supplements, the calcium is taken from a woman’s bone mass to grow a baby. However, women regain lost bone mass after childbirth.

Preventive Lifestyle changes:

Lose some weight, stop smoking, consume alcohol in moderation and take prescribed medicines as per your condition. Apart from this, make the necessary changes in your lifestyle, as below:

  1. Calcium-rich diet: Almonds, oranges, low-fat milk, yoghurt, green leafy green vegetables, sesame seeds, broccoli, dried fruits, pulses and beans, watercress, tofu, etc., are rich in calcium.
  2. Exercise: Weightlifting, exercises for flexibility, balancing and coordination- (Yoga/dancing/walking/running/Pilates)
  3. Vitamin D supplements: consult your doctor for supplements.
  4. For women: Since women are prone to developing these conditions, start making healthy lifestyle changes from age 50 and focus on keeping hormones in check. Artificial chemicals, cosmetics, hair dye, etc., can cause hormone imbalance. Try to use organic and clean products.

Debate over calcium supplements:

It is natural to think that if bones lose their strength due to loss of calcium and other minerals, isn’t it best to pop supplements, including calcium?

It was a practice for years to pop calcium supplements to protect bone health, and for some time, research has been ongoing on the probable benefits of taking calcium supplements; however, one aspect suggests that “taking calcium supplements is not the best way to protect bone strength.” Few studies have mentioned that “calcium supplements have little or no benefit to preventing hip fractures.” Few have mentioned the probable connection between excess calcium deposits in the kidney and arteries, which results in blocking arteries and increased risk of other chronic ailments.”

Research is inconclusive, but the debate over calcium supplements is ongoing.

In this scenario, isn’t it best to move towards natural sources to fill our body’s nutritional needs instead of taking supplements? It is important to remember that it is easier for our body to absorb nutrition from natural sources and is free from side effects compared to supplements. 

Lastly, diseases related to joints and bones, especially osteoporosis, are challenging to diagnose. One will come to know about the same only on breaking a bone.

The best situation would be to start following a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible and focus on preventing the same rather than correcting it.

Thank you.

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