
It’s 5 pm. A dinner party to attend and bloated already. Feeling so full and on top of everything, my tummy is popping out of my dress.

Sounds familiar?

Bloating is a condition in which we feel heavy after eating a meal, usually due to excessive gas. It usually happens within 2 to 8 hours after the consumption of a meal, and it starts subsiding automatically after a few hours. In bloating, the stomach feels full, tight, and large as well. At times apart from feeling heavy, hands, feet and face swell up adding tiredness and fatigue to the body.

This condition is more common in middle-aged women.

Let’s talk about the solution. What can be done in this situation?

1) Sluggish or underactive digestive system: Bloating is mostly due to excess gas. This could be attributed to constipation or decreased ability to digest food. When the body takes longer to excrete food, food stays in the large intestine for a long time where bacteria in the colon ferments food which causes more gas.

The sure-shot way is to work towards reducing constipation and increasing digestive health.

Additionally, reduce the consumption of food which produces gas. Wheat, barley, kidney beans, split chickpeas, black gram, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion, garlic, milk and milk products, apple, pear, apricot, plum, nectarine etc. produce more gas. Even the consumption of beer, soda, and chewing gum also produces gas.

2) Laxative Drinks: Lemon water, green tea, ginger tea, buttermilk etc. help in digestion. It is best to consume them, especially after meals. Additionally, drinking enough water throughout the day also helps. Just by drinking enough water, a noticeable effect has been seen in the reduction of bloating.

3) Follow some basics: Eat on time and chew food well – sounds simple but at times enough to correct bloating issues. A noticeable reduction of bloating is observed just by chewing well and eating without rushing up. Eating a bit less than your usual appetite also helps. Here, we are not talking about staying hungry but reducing portion size a bit definitely helps.

4) Use salt in moderation: One of the reasons behind bloating could be the retention of excessive amounts of salt in the body. Too much salt in the body leads to water retention and hence the body feels bloated or swollen. Use salt in moderation and try to eat less salty food for a few days. And if it’s making a difference, change this permanently. Commercial items, junk food etc. are loaded with salt and sugar to make them tastier. Minimize consumption of protein bars, energy drinks, condiments, sauces etc. where salt is hidden.

5) Apply ice/cold water: Cold water or ice helps in reducing swelling. Showering in cold water reduces swelling. Soak hands and feet in cold water. This will improve blood circulation and will be beneficial in reducing swelling.

Know when to see a doctor: Intestinal diseases like IBS, and SIBO, diseases related liver, and mental problems like anxiety, and depression can also be the reason behind bloating. Many women suffer from bloating before the menstruation cycle. In such situations, it is advisable to consult a doctor or a health consultant.

Bloating adds irritation and unpleasantness, but it is wiser to consider it as a warning sign related to a digestive problem and act early. By acting early, we get a chance to work on strengthening the digestive system which ultimately leads to a healthy body.

Make that effort.

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