
Do you know, sight is the most important sense out of the 5 basic human senses- smell, hearing, taste, sight, and touch? What we feel is hugely dependent on our sight. Almost 80% of how we feel can be contributed to only our vision.

If we talk from the health perspective, vision has a direct effect on the health of the brain. Things like good education, understanding of concepts, mastering sports, developing skills like driving, cooking, art etc.; are mainly dependent on the health of our eyes.

Constant twitching, tired eyes, discomfort, or any other issue related to eyes can put adverse effect on our life.

I won’t be completely wrong if I say most of us, would know, what all damages our eyes, and at the same time, most of us would conveniently choose to ignore the same and miss important things to be done for the better health of our eyes:

Read the following to analysis what all is missing from your life.

1) It is undebatable fact that excess usage of mobile and tv puts stress on our eyes as they work much harder with constant light emitting from the gadgets and loads of information. But stress on eyes is worst especially when you wake up in the morning and start browsing mobile with the half-opened eyes. This can cause damage in long-term. Avoid using mobile for about 30 minutes after waking up.

2) Similarly, try to keep brightness of your laptop and mobile in line with the surrounding lights. Presence of bright light in dark surrounding can put more pressure on eyes and they will stretch more. Few examples of this are usage of tv, mobile, gadgets at night in the low light or driving at night with the constant light of vehicles coming from opposite side. Adjust the light of your gadgets and wearing night driving glasses while driving in the night is the best option to protect eyes.

3) Continuous work on laptop and reading for long hours also put strain on eyes. Working professionals and students who read continuously should consider this and take steps to reduce contestant strain.

  • Do not read in low lights.
  • Frequent blinking, winking, and resting the eyes will help.
  • Looking outside the window, observing things from far, gazing at trees relax the eyes. 30 seconds break will also help your eyes immensely.
  • Keep reasonable distance between your laptop and eyes.
  • Reduce the brightness of the laptop. Do not use contrasting or bright colored background in the laptop.
  • Keep camera off in online meeting whenever possible. According to one research, keeping web camera off, reduces strain on eyes especially during long meetings.
  • Slices of cucumber or cold milk soaked in cotton if kept on eyes for 5-10 minutes will provide immediate relief to tired eyes.
  • Walking barefoot in garden will also help.

4) Frequently washing eyes may irritate them more. It  is not required. Self-cleaning procedure of eyes is sufficient which also protects surface of eyes.

  • To reduce itching, lightly press a wet cloth on the eyes or blow hot air in the handkerchief and place it on the eyes to feel better.
  • Avoid rubbing eyes too much.
  • If dust, smoke of vehicles or smoke of havan/puja/aarti has gone into eyes, wash immediately with clean water.
  • If some chemical or foreign object has entered in the eye, flush immediately with clean water and take help of expert instead of scratching eye.

5) Consume food rich in vitamin A & vitamin C. Milk and milk products, eggs, fish, carrots, apricots, dried fruits, pumpkin, red capsicum, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, mangoes, lemon, orange, sweet potatoes etc. will help to improve eyesight.

Drink enough water. Consume tea, coffee etc. in moderation.

When we talk about eyes, do not experiment. Take help of expert whenever required. Wear glasses regularly and yearly eye examination is must.

Lastly, small steps help in long run and we can say this for maintaining health of eyes for sure.

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