Give break  to your body

Take a break!

We all know the importance of taking a break from our busy schedules and rejuvenating to improve our performance. 

Taking some time off from work and developing a hobby or exercise, spending time with family, taking a coffee break with colleagues, or even having a beer night with friends will help reduce our mental fatigue. It helps us break daily mundane, and we feel alive.  

However, the irony is, we acknowledge the importance of taking a mental break, but we often miss giving our body a much-needed physical break. Our organs, which work 24/7 to keep us healthy, also require a break to work well. 

Our modern, fast-paced life stresses our bodies, making it difficult to sustain the same lifestyle for a long time. As a result, the body starts to show signs and symptoms when it struggles. And eventually, it gets converted into some or the other ailments. Digestive trouble, weight gain, anxiety, high levels of blood pressure- cholesterol and diabetes are some of the signs showing that the body is struggling and requires a break to heal.

Let’s discuss how we can give a break to our organs and help rejuvenate our bodies faster. 

  1. Liver:

The liver is the busiest organ of our body which helps perform various functions, including removing toxic substances and detoxifying our bodies. 

Toxins enter our body through food, breathing pollutants and toxic materials from the air and using products absorbed through our skin. Alcohol, smoking, tobacco, certain medicines, including herbal pills, processed food, red meat, hair dye, cosmetics, tattoos, body piercing etc., are some products containing toxic materials entering our bodies. Over consumption of such products can load the liver, causing liver damage and diseases like fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, etc. 

  • Considering the above, the sure shot way is to consume such products in moderation to maintain the liver’s health. 
  • Certain herbs like turmeric, dandelion tea, coriander, chlorophyll, milk thistle etc., can help detoxify the liver. In addition, supplements of Vitamin E, Vitamin D, curcumin, omega 3, magnesium etc., help improve the liver’s health. Consulting a health professional is advisable for the consumption of the same. 
  • Skin also plays a vital role in detoxifying the body by removing toxins via sweat. Add regular exercise, sauna baths, steam rooms, hot tubs, body massages, etc., for faster detox. 
  1. Kidney:

The kidney’s primary function is to filter blood and remove toxic substances and unnecessary waste via urine. Excess stress, excessive salt consumption, and chronic ailments like high blood pressure and diabetes can also stress our kidneys. 

To maintain the health of our kidneys:

  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. However, the optimum water consumption depends on various parameters like weather, physical activity etc. Consuming water in excess can also stress the kidneys.
  • Work on your stress. Add meditation as a part of your life. 
  • Avoid high sugar, high salt diet. Consumption of caffeine should be in moderation. 
  • Keep your blood pressure and diabetes in check.
  • Beetroot, apple, dates, kidney beans, lemon, turmeric, ginger, coriander etc., helps heal kidneys. 
  1. Digestive System: 

Digestion is considered the most crucial process to keep the body healthy. It is also a fact that stomach issues are considered the root cause of most diseases.

To keep your stomach healthy:

  • The sure-shot way is to feed and grow healthy bacteria by consumption of pre and probiotics. Yoghurt, buttermilk, sourdough bread, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, fibre-rich fruits and vegetables are a few examples of food rich in pre and probiotics. 
  • Avoid which can destroy good bacteria. Avoid popping medicines for minor issues like acidity, headache, constipation etc. Consume antibiotics only as advised by the doctor. Also, take probiotic supplements and increase food rich in pre-probiotics after consuming antibiotics. 
  • Make fasting a part of your life. In our modern lifestyle, we consume excess calories, and it would be wonderful if we could give our digestive system a break from time to time. 
  1. The Brain: 

Stress has become an integral part of our modern lifestyle. And it’s undeniable that constant stress impairs our brains’ functioning and overall health. Taking a break and going out with friends/family helps in giving mental relaxation for sure but looking at the faced paced life and the increased number of people suffering from neurological issues like anxiety, panic attack, migraine, stroke, epilepsy, mental ailments, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s’ and dementia, it is wiser to keep on doing things daily which helps to improve brain health. 

  • Make breathing exercises and meditation a part of your life. 
  • Take enough Sleep. It helps to heal the brain. 
  • Fish oil, cod liver oil, and omega 3 benefit the brain. Consulting a health professional is advisable before consuming supplements. 

Apart from this, follow basic rules like a simple diet, regular exercise, moderate usage of mobile, a regular regime to sleep etc., to maintain the body’s overall health. 

A healthy body is essential to live life to the fullest, and a healthy body requires healthy organs. The point is elementary and straightforward. Pay attention to giving a break to your organs occasionally, and surely you can avoid getting into chronic ailments. 

Try this.

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