Hyperactive Kids

My child is hyperactive. What should I do?

I have heard this often in my practice.  As a counter question, I would ask, isn’t it better to have a hyperactive child than a lazy child? And immediate response would be a node with a smile.

Children are full of energy which is a very good thing without a doubt.  However, a hyperactive child is often difficult to handle especially if their energy is not spent in a right direction. It can even put parents in trouble.

A hyperactive child needs to be constantly active. Sitting quietly or staying still is a challenge for them. Constant physical movement, restlessness, lack of concentration, boredom, irritability, talking non-stop and in excess, interrupting conversations of people around etc., is usual traits of a hyperactive child. It is difficult for them to take instructions and wait for their turn while playing games. They often ignore risk involved and would do things without thinking much, which can be dangerous.

Hyperactivity is directly related to brain. Here it is important to understand that a hyperactive child is not a mischievous or a bad child, but he/she needs to stabilize his/her thinking process. This requires a bit more attention and patience from parents to lead them in a right direction. Let’s discuss few activities which can help managing hyperactive child in an effective way.

  1. Karate: Karate or martial arts helps to direct energy of a child in a right direction. It helps increasing concentration & self-confidence, improving coordination, and calming down the mind. According to few studies, martial arts strengthen the neural network and help children diagnosed with ADHD to develop and practice self-control.
  2. Sports like basketball, football, volleyball, badminton, running etc. help hyperactive children to use up their energy well. Playing sports help developing sportsmanship, competition, team spirit and social skill as well. Running while playing, increases physical strength and it helps to clear mind as well. As per American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, running helps activating new neurons and blood flow is increased in the brain region which in involved in learning and emotions.
  3. Music: Sports are great for a hyperactive child to use up their energy, but it is not possible to play sports all day. One needs to add activity which can calm them down at home without putting constant effort. Playing music is one of the activities which helps calm down the mind quickly. Play their favorite songs especially when the child is back home from school or after playing sports. It will help them relaxing their mind and combat tiredness. Even encouraging child to learn music or musical instruments will give good results in improving their concentration and staying still for a longer time.
  4. Swimming: Swimming is a great option for hyperactive children to spend their energy in a right way. It helps increasing their self-confidence, concentration, and reducing impulsiveness. Olympic gold medalist Michelle Phelps was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 9. At school, he had trouble concentrating and was considered as a naughty child who would probably not succeed in his life. Despite having trouble concentrating, he could swim for 3 hours after school. Swimming was helping him to keep the mind calm and controlled.
  5. Games: It is difficult to get a hyperactive child to sit down and play board games. But if efforts are put to cultivate their interest, one can see improvement in their thinking power, concentration, problem solving skills etc. Play board games like chess, scrabble, ludo, jigsaw puzzles etc. with them.

Apart from this, give them diet rich in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, good fats like ghee, coconut/olive oil, dry fruits etc. Sugar and junk food will make brain more active. Chocolates, candies, chips, french fries etc. should be given in moderation.

Every child is different. By experimenting with various activities, one can understand the interest of a child in a better manner. Brain develops rapidly in early years, so treat this as an opportunity and help your child developing his/her mind in a right direction.

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