Life is to live

Life needs to be lived to the fullest. It doesn’t matter how much we have lived but it certainly matters how well we have lived.

Usually this is what we all think when we talk about life.

And when it comes to the health of our body, we all wish to have a healthy body which can support us till our last breath. However, it’s certainly not easy to follow healthy habits consistently. They are boring, and one needs to keep on putting efforts all the time. To crack this, it is best to find a fun way to keep the body healthy, that too with minimal efforts.

Let’s talk, how to get the best result out of small actions.

1) Utilization of our best performing hours: If you assess your work and mood, you will realize that at a certain time of the day, for minimum 6 to 8 hours, your body is full of energy. And at times you will be bored or tired. To elaborate more on this, some people are most energetic early in the morning while some may work at their best in the evenings or at late night. Timings may vary depending on bio-individuality. And it’s best to make the use of the time which suits you to the most according to your nature. During these hours you will be able to work much faster including the work which you usually find boring or less interesting.

For health, use some of this time, preferably an hour, for nurturing yourself. In which you can do activities that you like, such as reading, exercise, meditation, spending time with family, playing with kids etc. Here, your focus should be feeding your soul. Taking time for yourself refreshes the mind and a refreshed mind is the first step towards healthy body.

2) Exercise: Exercise is important, but it is equally important to enjoy exercise regime. Preferred form of exercise may also vary in nature. Many people prefer light exercises like Yoga or Tai chi while few prefer vigorous exercises such as running, cycling or strength exercises at gym. You should choose an exercise that suits to your nature. If you do what you really like or enjoy, you will not have to push yourself every day. Enjoyable exercise improves sleep and energizes body. When we know, exercise is must to keep body healthy in long run, isn’t it better to pick the form which is enjoyable?

3)Give equal importance for brain health: Healthy/strong mind makes it easier to survive in difficult situations.

  • Eat a diet rich in good fats for brain health.
  • To reduce stress, make breathing exercises and meditation a part of your lifestyle.
  • Usage of mobile, TV, gadgets etc should be in moderation.
  • Taking breaks are also important along with work, take enough breaks from time to time.
  • Do not compromise in sleep quality.
  • Lastly, don’t hesitate to seek help when needed. Even after trying hard, if you are not able to keep up, take the help of your family or friends.

4) Fasting: Our modern lifestyle has affected our diet immensely. On one hand, quantity of food consumption has increased while on the other hand, nutrition value has decreased. This puts load on the body especially on our digestive system. To overcome this issue, do fasting from time to time. It helps body to heal faster and gives the body much-needed break which helps keeping unwanted diseases at bay. Intermittent fasting or fasting as per religion are few examples.

5) Herbs, spices for medicinal properties: In our Indian culture, importance is always given for the usage of various spices and herbs like ginger, turmeric, tulsi, basil, amla, cinnamon, cloves, ajwain, parsley, cumin, cardamom, fenugreek, wheatgrass, moringa etc for their medicinal properties. Use them in your diet regularly. You will certainly get better benefits with less efforts.

Try taking simple steps. Be consistent to get the desired results.

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