Live vs Liver

“Live” vs “Liver”

What is the similarity between these two words? There’s only one extra R in liver but we can say “we live right when we have healthy liver.”

Liver can be considered as the main player in the digestive system. The main work of the liver is the removal of waste from blood, breaking down fat, protein and carbohydrates and absorbing nutrients from food, storage of glycogens, mineral and vitamins etc. Apart from this liver also helps in absorption of medicines or supplements and maintaining level of glucose in blood.

Steps to improve liver health and to prevent liver related diseases;

1) Factors which can cause trouble to the liver: The main function of liver is to remove waste from the blood. Accordingly, excessive use of drugs especially antibiotics, alcohol and smoking can have a negative impact on the liver. Apart from this, synthetic chemicals which enters in our body through the usage of food stored in plastic packets, water stored in plastic bottles, cosmetics, bleach, perfumes, hair products containing chemicals, cleaning products, disinfectants etc are harmful for the liver health. For improving health of the liver, reduce use of artificial products, reduce consumption of alcohol & stop smoking.

2) Diet:  Fast food, junk food, fried food etc. are full of oil and preservatives. To improve health of liver, reduce oily and junk food. Reduce consumption of chips, biscuits, canned fruits, soda, colored candies and food containing artificial color & flavor. Add fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables & good fat in your diet. Apple, orange, berries, grapefruit, tomato, avocado, beet, carrot, capsicum, cauliflower, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, garlic, onion, green tea, eggs, fish, organic meat, almonds, sunflower seeds etc are beneficial for the health of liver.

3) Fatty liver: If you are suffering from fatty liver, take Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Omega 3, magnesium, curcumin as advised by the doctor or a health consultant. In addition to this, turmeric, coriander, dandelion tea, milk thistle and chlorophyll also helps improving health of liver.

4) Skin: Skin plays a very important role in removal of waste products from our body. Regular exercise helps our body to remove waste products in the form of sweat. This reduces work of liver and helps improving its health. Here it is important to note, for detox, light exercises like yoga are more beneficial as compared to intense strenuous exercises.

5) Detox: Regular use of steam rooms, sauna bath and hot tubs also help eliminating waste from body which in turn helps liver.

In the end, I will just say we need to  “live right for healthy liver”. Start taking these small steps today to improve health of your liver and to prevent liver related diseases.

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