Nutrition for Dementia

We often have heard, there isn’t much of a difference between an elder and a kid when we talk about their mood.

Anger, irritability, lack of patience etc increases significantly in the old age and feeling hurt over petty stuff, being stubborn or not getting agreed with someone’s opinion becomes usual. The reason behind change in nature or lowered patience level could be attributable to change in physical ability, depression, lack of confidence, weakened eyesight, less hearing ability, lowered memory etc. To cope up with physical challenges especially weakened memory are indeed difficult to manage.

Today our topic is “dementia”, a condition which directly affects memory. It affects thinking, remembering and reasoning skills of a person to an extent that it starts hampering with person’s daily activities. Memory loss, difficulty in concentrating, misplacing or losing things easily, confusion over time or place, frequent change in mood, not finding correct word in conversation, getting confused over the correct change while shopping etc are common early symptoms of dementia.

The exact cause and treatment of dementia is not yet found but according to some research, proper changes in lifestyle and diet can help in this situation. Let’s talk in detail;

1) Green leafy vegetables: As per one study in Israel, 200 people were segregated in 3 different groups based on their diets. After 18 months it was observed, those who followed “Mediterranean diet” had less brain atrophy than the other group. Mediterranean diet emphasis more on green leafy vegetables, green tea, walnuts etc. Green vegetables are full of fiber and nutrients which can reduce the rate of destruction of brain cells.

2) Colourful fruits and vegetables: A diet full of fruits and vegetables of different colours is beneficial for your brain. This type of diet is full of flavonoids that support brain cells. Apple, all kinds of berries, raisin, cabbage, red cabbage, tomato, carrot, red/yellow capsicum, broccoli, beet, cocoa, dark chocolate, olive oil, flaxseeds, beer, coffee, green tea, wine etc are rich in flavonoids.

3) Fish: Omega 3 fatty acid promotes brain health. It is easily available from an oily fish like salmon, tuna and sardines. Omega 3 sources for vegetarian are spirulina, chlorella, flaxseeds, walnuts, edamame etc.

4) Nuts & seeds and different types of lentils & pulses: Various types of nuts and seeds especially walnuts, different varieties of lentils and pulses help in providing necessary nutrition to the brain cells. In 2017, research conducted in Italy on 200 people aged 65 years and above. It was noted that those who consumed lentils and pulses had better memory power in comparison to others who consumed less. For dementia, it is necessary to add varieties of nuts & seeds as well as varieties of lentils and pulses.

5) Exercise: Walking/jogging, gardening or light exercises like yoga can also be beneficial.

To summarize, diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, healthy fat and low in processed meat and sugar will help in improving dementia. And if not, it will stop worsening the same. But apart from this, our elders need a bit of attention, warmth, love and support. Few changes in lifestyle with bucket load of extra love is all they need.

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