Skin care

Which skin care product should I use for flawless skin? The most common question I encounter from all age groups.

Of course market for skin care products is huge and they are selling like hot cakes! According to, in the year 2020, the skin care market in India was valued at Rs.12,976 crores which is estimated to increase to Rs.19,109 crores by the year 2025. That’s a one whooping number for sure!

Such statistics may surprise us but at the same time, the real confusion arises with the variety and the countless skin products available in the market. For enhancing beauty, day/night care age-appropriate products, protecting skin from harmful UV rays, brightening and nourishing lotions for face and body, vitamin supplements etc, the list is endless.

So, the real question is, “what to pick up?” and with that question, let’s discuss the to do’s for skin care.

1) Skin routine:  For flawless skin, hereditary plays an important role but a skin care routine puts a great impact on skin health as well. One must have a skin care routine which they can continue with their hectic life for a flawless skin.

Simple skincare routine includes:

  • Washing face twice or thrice with good face wash: This might surprise you, but this is a basic mistake which many do especially teenagers. When they complain about acne, my first advise would be, “wash your face thrice a day J” of course their raging hormones play a role in acne, but we often miss this basic step to improve skin health which needs to be corrected first.
  • After washing face, apply moisturiser/ sunscreen as per your skin type. Sunscreen with SPF 30 is good to use. One needs to apply sunscreen daily even while staying indoors or at home.

One might not be having time for exfoliating, toning and moisturizing daily but this 2 simple steps mentioned above, can save you from most of the problems related to facial skin.

  • Additionally, once a week homemade face pack helps to rejuvenate skin. Fresh fruits, raw milk, cucumber juice, honey etc can be used.
  • Facial, done with professional, helps if done regularly at the required interval.
  • Ensure not to sleep with the make up on. To remove make up, use a good cleansing milk followed with toner and moisturizer as per your skin type.
  • Always remember, Night-time is the best time when our skin repairs itself. Apply night cream before bed.

2) Acne: Acne is troublesome especially during puberty. Changes in hormones could be the major reason for causing acne. But remember, this issue will automatically resolve with the time. Till that time, follow simple skin care routine, correct your diet and be careful to not to pop the pimples. Acne breakouts can cause permanent scarring of the skin. To remove acne scars, apply raw milk or potato juice on the scars 3 to 4 times a week. The scar will gradually disappear. And if you have unmanageable acne issues, see a good skin doctor.

3) Sugar: If you are having a problematic skin, you should consider reducing consumption of sugar or replacing sugar with jaggary or honey.  Sugar increases insulin in the blood which can imbalance your hormones further. And hormonal imbalance can lead to acne. Apart from this, sugar also damages the collagen. Collagen gives structure to our skin and helps to keep our skin looking young and firm. Reducing sugar consumption is must to reduce skin laxity and wrinkles.

4) Green Tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants like vitamin A & C which are quite beneficial for the skin. After making green tea, instead of throwing away the used tea bags, put them in the freezer to cool. Keep this tea bags on the face for 5-10 minutes. This will help to reduce acne, blemishes, dark circles, puffiness of eyes and hyperpigmentation. Even face pack made of green tea can be used once/twice a week.

5) Constipation: I always emphasize more on the gut health when we talk about good facial skin. Work on your digestive health. Fix problems like acidity, bloating, diarrhea, constipation etc. by adding simple changes in your lifestyle ie. reducing consumption of fast food, fried food, sweets/desserts, and cold drinks. Add fresh fruits, vegetables, varieties of lentils, whole grains, good fats, probiotics etc. in your diet and you will see positive results in no time, as for cleaner looking skin, we first need to clean our stomach.

Lastly, healthy skin requires daily care. Rather than using products that claim immediate benefits, regular skin care with a bit of patience will yield better results in long term.

Thank you.

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