The ugly side of medicines

Apprehend before popping medicines.

Medicines, if taken the right way, can be immensely beneficial. At the same time, medicines, if taken incorrectly or in excess, can lead to havoc, including causing a heart attack, damaging the liver, or any similar life-threatening situations. A boon to humankind can turn into a bane in no time.

The right way to consume medicines is after consulting doctors and only as per the prescribed dosages. However, it’s become usual for people to self-medicate for minor issues and purchase medicines which are available over the counter instead of counselling the healthcare provider.

The market for medicines sold over the counter is enormous. It includes medication for allergies, cough/cold, digestive discomfort (diarrhoea/ constipation/ stomach cramps), paracetamol, sleeping aids, various supplements, etc.; they are readily available and can seriously harm the body if taken the wrong way.

Apart from this, drugs available on prescription, like antibiotics, insulin, hypertension, depression/anxiety, immunization, etc., can also have nasty side effects if taken in the wrong manner.

Let’s understand more about medicines and where to be careful to avoid the no-so-good effects of drugs.


Medicines are a form of chemicals or compounds that can help cure, recover, prevent, and ease symptoms of any ailment.

It is important to note that medicines include pills, syrups, drops (ear/eye), inhalers, cream/ gel/ ointment to apply, patches to stick on the skin, injections/ intravenous or any other form that can enter the body. And when we talk about the ideal dose of medicines, we need to consider all the medicines entering our body in one form or another. 

Medicines can be seriously harmful if taken in high doses and when wrong medicines are taken by mistake. We also need to consider the side effects of drugs and the onset of antimicrobial resistance.

Know the fundamental mistakes we make, which usually end up harming us more than doing good: 

  1. Mistake in calculating the correct dose:
  • Making a mistake in understanding strength (half/full). Few medicines are available in various strengths, and it’s possible to make the mistake of purchasing a medicine with a higher strength instead of the prescribed dose. It happens mainly in the case of medications available over the counter. To avoid this, read the label carefully and double-check the strength before purchasing medicines.
  • Similarly, people must be careful when syrup doses are prescribed in tablespoon vs. teaspoon.Measure the dose with the correct measuring device to avoid taking excess doses.
  • It is usual for elders to forget whether they have taken medicine, and they might make the mistake of taking it twice. In the case of insulin, hypertension, etc., it can get them in real trouble. Use a medicine organizer to avoid such mistakes.
  • Accidental overdoses of paracetamolare pretty common, especially for children. There is an increased chance of overdose when more than one medicines are consumed with the same active ingredient. For example, paracetamol is an active ingredient in both drugs for colds and flu. Be careful when you are combining more than one medicine. Read the ingredients thoroughly before consuming the medication.
  • Similarly, a mistake in calculating the dose based on the weight of the child can result in an overdose.

In case of accidental overdose, it is essential to visit a doctor. Symptoms of unintentional overdose might include shallow breathing, unconsciousness, confusion, blue lips or fingertips, getting a seizure, etc.

  1. Mistakes which can adversely affect the body
  • When wrong medicines are consumed by mistake. To avoid this, keep a handwritten note in the medicine box mentioning the medicine name and its usage.
  • When expired medicines are consumed by mistake. After every six months, check the medicine box thoroughly and discard expired drugs.
  • Medicines lose their effectiveness when kept in hot/humid temperatures. Keep medicines at room temperature for maximum effectiveness.
  • When medicines are combined with the intake of alcohol. One needs to be off alcohol when on any medication.
  • Pregnant ladies need to be extra careful before consuming medicines.
  • Medicines with side effects must be consumed only after consulting a doctor.
  • Interacting drugs, if taken together, can give harmful reactions. If you notice any reaction after taking a medication, consult a doctor immediately.
  1. Know the onset of Antimicrobial Resistance. It is real!

Antibiotics are powerful and essential medicines which can protect us against heavy infections, and they are used in treatment for various ailments like fungal/bacterial infection, skin infection/ UTI, TB, HIV, AIDS, cancer therapy, preventing acute infection during/after surgery of joint replacement, organ transplants etc.

Self-medicating, taking the wrong antibiotics, mixing medicines, consuming antibiotics in excess, etc., are some of the reasons for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Due to medicine abuse, our bodies tend to develop a resistance to antibiotics, and antibiotics lose their effectiveness. It puts us in a situation where antibiotics and antifungal medicines become ineffective in curing the body against harmful bacteria or infections. Such a situation is a threat to public health at large when we talk about controlling bacterial infection for society.

We keep hearing about taking antibiotics cautiously, but the increasing number of AMR cases suggests a severe lack of public awareness.

India is one of the largest consumers of antibiotics globally in terms of absolute volume, and there is an increasing rise in AMR (antimicrobial resistance). As per the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), it is estimated that by the year 2050, Asia will have 4.7 million deaths that could be directly attributed to AMR.

The progress of science and medicine has made us live longer and better. We need to be thankful for this and be more sensible to stop medicine abuse for our betterment.

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