Winter season – best time to Increase immunity!

Like every other season, winter has its own charm. In cold weather, sleeping in warm blanket till late, sipping hot tea/chocolate, lighting barbeque with family/friends sounds like a fun. At the same time, just like every coin has two sides, dry and cold weather increases risk of various illnesses like frequent cold and cough, flu, viral infection etc.

Let’s discuss what all needs to be done to increase immunity, keep body safe and healthy in winter.

1) Diet: Dry and cold weather usually increases cough and congestion. Keeping this in mind, it is best to avoid or reduce consumption of products which can increase mucus. Milk, curd, cream, cheese, butter, cold drinks, ice-cream, dishes made of white flour, chocolate, cake etc. will increase phlegm.

On the other hand, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, pumpkin, radish etc. will help melting the mucus. Herbs and spices like tulsi, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, cardamom, various types of chawanprash, gond laddoos etc will help increasing immunity. Use them in abundance. Apart from this, consume green & leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, goosberry (amala), honey, beet, carrot, and sweet potatoes.

2) Sunlight: Shorter days and longer nights in winter, reduces total hours spent in the daylight and especially in sunlight. This leads to low levels of vitamin D and deficiency of vitamin D in turn affects sleep pattern, increases stress level, and simultaneously increases the risk of various diseases such as depression, allergies, asthma, and eczema especially in children. It also effects on the bone health especially in elders and risk of fracture or osteoporosis increases.

Take adequate dose of vitamin d as advised by doctor.

3) Exercise: Cold weather discourages most of the people to get up early and exercise. But on the other hand, exercise is less tiring in cold weather as compared to hot weather. Chances of dehydration reduces, and intensity of workout can be increased as well. One can get required results with less efforts. Considering this in mind, exercise regularly in winter. One can opt for indoor gym or indoor place instead of exercising in open garden or outdoors. You can also change timing of exercise which suits more according to weather.

4) Respiratory system: Home remedies to keep frequent cough, cold, congestion, flu at bay.

  • Consume turmeric milk or warm water at night before going to bed. Turmeric milk will help boost immunity and reduce the risk of various illnesses.
  • Warm water gargles. Add a pinch of salt in warm water and gargle. This will help reduce pain, swelling and infection in throat. Useful to treat conditions such as tonsillitis and adenoids.
  • Take steam 2-3 times in a week. It will help to keep the nose clean and reduce congestion.
  • Usage of eucalyptus oil has shown great benefits due to its antimicrobial properties. It can be used in various ways. Add a drop in carrier oil and rub it on chest. Add 2-3 drops in hot water and take steam. Or put 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil in a handkerchief or your pillow and keep smelling the same. It will help reducing cold and releasing cough.

5) Skin & hair quality: Skin, hair & scalp becomes dry in cold weather. This increases cracking of skin and hair breakages. Apply a good quality skin care cream on skin daily. Similarly, do oil massage in the hair at least once a week. Avoid washing your hair for more than twice in a week. Wash hair with lukewarm water instead of hot water. Usage of conditioner is must and avoid using hair dryer to dry your hair. Lastly, drink enough water throughout the day to keep body hydrated.

Winter season is great to build immunity. With ample varieties of green and leafy vegetables, it becomes easy to make changes in diet. If positive changes are done in this season, one can derive long term benefit for sure.

Thank you.

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